Could a loving husband fulfill his late wife's wishes? This movie tells a tale of Saadom who is a successful Nasi Kandar businessman in Pulau Pinang. His wife's last wish before passing away is for him to take good care of their daughter Mia. From a busy businessman who is so infatuated with his Nasi Kandar business, Saadom changes into a dependable father who is very much focused on his daughter's life. As Mia, grows up she gets a bit annoyed with her father's endless care and devotion towards her which at times seem too much to handle. A huge dilemma arises as Mia is all grown up and ready for University life. Saadom then panics as he has no idea how to fulfill his late wife's wishes while she's away.
Source : Yahoo! movie review - Papadom
As we are aware, one of our friends is selected to be part of the actors in the latest movie, Papadom which had been launched on 8 October 2009. To share this wonderful experience, one of ChemE jan 07
hi Zaki. im Ixypixy, from ChemEjan07 official blog.
I wanna have an interview session with you about your story as an actor in Papadom.
It will be published in ChemEjan07 blog.
hahaha...sure can anytime
u have to talk to my agent first
poyo la zaki
r u bz rite now?
im free
Ok. let's move on to our first question.
How are you doing now?
Im fine...feeling good...never been happier after the release of my first movie.
o yeah. i've heard about that. can you tell us more bout it?
well, the movie name is called Papadom by Mr Afdlin Shauki, Its a great movie consist of drama and comedy for all ages..and im very proud to be acting side by side with Abang Afdlin...I just hope people will like the movie.
I heard that it is your first movie, especially in Malaysian industries.
I am wondering how they choose you.
I mean, to be part of them in this movie?
ic. I'm sure you're delighted to be in the movie. Lastly, what's ur opinion bout Malaysian movie industries? any words for them?
Thats true I am absolutely delighted to be in this movie, its an honour for me.
Well about my opinion in Malaysian movie industries, I think its fantastic and i think it can be the best in the region as we can see in the past few years Malaysia produced many Great movies and some even won international awards like Mokhsin if im not mistaken, and i believe many more will come.
If the standards continue to improve im sure one day it can compete with Holywood.
Thats true I am absolutely delighted to be in this movie, its an honour for me.
Well about my opinion in Malaysian movie industries, I think its fantastic and i think it can be the best in the region as we can see in the past few years Malaysia produced many Great movies and some even won international awards like Mokhsin if im not mistaken, and i believe many more will come.
If the standards continue to improve im sure one day it can compete with Holywood.
that's very nice of you.
thanks for your time.
i'll inform you when we publish this later. :)
wah3... zaki glemer... zaki nk autograph... irda, xmo bkak fanclub zaki ke..haha
wah..zaki rock.. :) luv yaa..
zura: fanclub? tu kena suh adik dia la jd founder :P
amir maliki: haha~ siap ade luv ya lg tuh..
haha.. habis ar.. aku dah sebar interview ni kat seluruh penduduk malaysia.. haha.. (lebih2 je) :P
sib baik ak suh ixypixy g itview. haha
hehe..irda2 *geleng kepala*
tersengih-sengih kita baca 'formal interview' ni..ada bakat la irda~
zaki..keep it up..i want to see u in other upcoming movies..lol :P
zaki,nk ssssiiiigggnnnn!!!
zaki,nk ssssiiiigggnnnn!!!
oit2..amin..tu ayat aku arr
zaki, nak sign kat baju...
rufaidah: hee~ saje nk mhidupkan blog chemi dgn something yg different :P
amin n luqman: korang ni saje je kan. isk3
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